東京―忘却の昭和三〇年代 単行本 2007 金子 桂三 Tokyo Oblivion in the 1960s Book 2007 Keizo Kaneko (Photo)
Keizo Kitajima: Shashin Tokkyubin Tokyo Photomail from Tokyo First Printing, with Black obi SIGNED | Keizo KITAJIMA | 1st Edition,Keizo Kitajima: Shashin Tokkyubin Tokyo Photomail from Tokyo First Printing, with Black obi SIGNED by Keizo KITAJIMA on Vincent Borrelli, Bookseller,金子 みすゞ Kaneko Misuzu: We're all different, but we're all good… / Tutti diversi, tutti ugualmente giusti… | Zócalo Poets,Keizo Kitajima: Shashin Tokkyubin Tokyo Photomail from Tokyo First Printing, with Black obi SIGNED by Keizo KITAJIMA on Vincent Borrelli, Bookseller,Kuniyoshi Kaneko - 80 Years On (Librairie 6) |Tokyo Art Beat