『Serie degli uomini-』(全12巻揃) 1769-1775年フィレンツェ刊 西洋中世-ルネサンス期の画家・彫刻家・建築家大全 銅版画300枚(肖像画)
Serie degli uomini-』(全12巻揃) 1769-1775年フィレンツェ刊 西洋中世-ルネサンス期の画家・彫刻家・建築家大全 銅版画300枚(肖像画) - その他,Part of the decoration design by Jean Cousin the Elder | Armor of Henry II, King of France (reigned 1547–59) | French, possibly Paris | The Metropolitan Museum of Art,486KB,121KB,Part of the decoration design by Jean Cousin the Elder | Armor of Henry II, King of France (reigned 1547–59) | French, possibly Paris | The Metropolitan Museum of Art